I had my easy chair all picked out in the double row of facing recliners in the chemo salon. My row looked through floor-to-ceiling windows on the trees in the parking lot and the street beyond. Once I got settled in, the nurse extracted four ounces of royal red from my arm pic for pretreatment analysis. She pointed out the baby refrigerator with cool drinks where I could stash my brown bag lunch of cold meatloaf sandwich and red grapes. It would be a 6-hour day, she said. Newbies need to go slower and be watched for adverse reactions to the chemo drugs, which for me would be two different kinds going into my pic. Later, when my abdomen completely healed from all the extensive surgery three weeks ago, they'd pump a third, big-gun drug into a port in my stomach. The nurse also pointed out the blanket warmer, where I could extract a soothing comforter as desired.
After putting a reserve sign on my chair, I followed the nurse into an examining room for a quick update with the physician's assistant before they hooked me up to the drugs. Routine questions followed, including, was I ready to begin. You bet I was! I'm ready to take advantage of those cancer cells when they're down, mercilessly whittled by surgery. I happened to mention a yellow crust on my 3-inch, east-west incision where the abdominal port was installed. Unlike the foot-long, north-south incision that has healed beautifully (according to medical personnel), the port site has not healed. Bummer. Chemo cancelled for the week. Port to come out tomorrow. Follow up next week to see about commencing chemo then and to consider options for new port or not. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. I gotta tell you, I had all the many kindnesses and good wishes of you all condensed into those chemo bags to run interference for me against the C squad. So, if you could all hold those good thoughts till next week when we get back on track...............
As always, Diane
Traffic Cones and Cardboard Box Cake
3 months ago
Oh, drats! But now we can all actively visualize that image with you. We're the backup reinforcements,and we have time to prepare!
I'm sorry you're going through this, Diane, but I'm glad you have such great support, both within and out.
The word verification to post this comment is ughfq! I second that.
I'm sorry. All dressed up, no place to go. Hot to trot, no place to race. Um ... I'm done.
Bummer. All that adrenaline, racing around in your blood stream just looking for a fight. What a waste.
Show them: next week, just sashay in, plunk yourself down in the best seat, and order a Margarita, extra salt, and a massage.
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