Despite a wonderful visit from her sister, Lorie, this past week has been a bit uncomfortable for mom. As she mentioned previously, she's on the pain killers now, which means it's quite a dance between various types of drugs...and it's a dance where it seems as though your partner is constantly stepping, no stomping, on your feet.
She began taking vicadin...which made her nauseous, so then she took anti-nausea which made her super drowsy...then she was sort of okay but the pain wasn't under then she went on the fetanyl patch, which made her sleep away most of the weekend (sans a movie or two and stroll around the block with dad and me yesterday)...and then, joy of joys, made her nauseous and sick again later last night. BLAH!
As I write, she's getting poked by Laura, her acupuncturist. Am hoping that'll help keep everything down. I continue to be amazed at how well she takes most everything in stride, at least on the outside, even if she struggles privately. Aunt Lorie has helped us put the next couple of months in perspective, i.e. looking at them as a temporary state until the doxil kicks in and begins kicking the cancer cells' butts. (Sorry mom, had to use "butt".)
Fortunately, there are good things to look forward to--Nathan and Jesse head down and over on Friday for four days of family bonding and basement "stuff" sorting.
And before I forget...have been meaning to tell you all again how heart warming it is to know you're all out there. The cards, the blog comments...means a ton to us.
Traffic Cones and Cardboard Box Cake
3 months ago
I do love a drug like doesn't take the pain away, just makes you so loopy you don't care you have it....
Today the day is sunny and bright, and I'm hoping a blossom has popped out in your yard The fragrance alone is intoxicating and tells us Spring will soon be here. Diane, I'm thinking of you everyday as the medication does its work. I'm hoping your pain reduces to a much more manageable place.
Much love,
Been kind of disconnected as my Lap top crashed on me!!! Yuck.
Here of course it's getting pretty warm (31o C) and all the trees are blooming....if you have allergies, not a good time to be in Parras.
I have my trip to Montana all planned, or almost. Got my tickets from Minn. to Spokane on June 14. (I still haven't figured out how to get up to Minn. I.E, I need to get my tickets!!! I am planning on escaping for at least a couple of days to Wash. to see hang in there.
You are the bravest and most positive person I have ever met...Love you and hope to see you en June.
Hi All,
Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for you to get through this difficult period. I know the medicine will kick in soon and that Diane will be able to recuperate and not have to deal with all the side effects. Give her a hug for me and say hello!
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